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Digital Tomosynthesis

Digital Tomosynthesis is essentially a method for medical imaging, that involves minimal exposure to radiation scanning of any type. It is typically used with X-rays, and works via the X-ray scanner panning over the bodypart in question, taking multiple shots.

These are combined by algorithm into a 3D view, details extrapolated, and allowing any number of 2D slices to be taken, even from angles not covered by the sweep. Essentially, a full 3D model is created, that can then be used in any way desired.

Below, we offer a selection of links from our resource databases which may match this term.

Related Dictionary Entries for Digital Tomosynthesis:


Digital Breast Tomosynthesis

Digital Tomosynthesis


Resources in our database matching the Term Digital Tomosynthesis:

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The first generation of digital natives - children who were born into and raised in the digital world - are coming of age, and soon our world will be reshaped in their image. Our economy, our cultural life, even the shape of our family life will be forever transformed.

In Growing Up Digital, Don Tapscott revealed how the digital world created a generation that thought, played, and related to their world in a way radically different from that of their parents. In a fascinating follow-up to his seminal work, Grown Up Digital revisits the Net Generation as the eldest of its members turns 30, enters the workforce and marketplace, and establishes their roles as life-long learners and contributors to society.

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What's Delaying Digital Health Records?
The director of the U.S. Office of Health IT Adoption explains why it's so hard to get doctors to go digital.

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Inside The Digital Toy Factory - Developing To Deadlines
Denki calls itself a "digital toy factory," not a game developer. In this in-depth post, co-founder Colin Anderson discusses the studio's thoughts on process, including the importance of change, the scientific method, and influences from the old Hollywood studio system as well as theatre.

My Mother Was a Computer explores how the impact of code on everyday life has become comparable to that of speech and writing: as language and code have grown more entangled, the lines that once separated humans from machines, analogue from digital, and old technologies from new ones have become blurred.

Not a platform or modelling software specific book, Building a Digital Human is Ken?s second book, and much like the first, it takes you through the basics of creating the 3D forms, in a patient, kind, step by step manner, demonstrating techniques which really aid the beginning to intermediate modeller.

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Podcast: Parallel Worlds: Explorations in Second Life
This podcast is basically concerned with photography in the virtual. It deals with as they quote "the digital revolution in photography". Pushing beyond technologies such as photoshop to digitally tweak images, this 'cast discusses the possibilities that the photography digital revolution expands as far beyond digitally remastering, as motorised transport extends from the capabilities of the horse.

Not a platform or modelling software specific book, Modelling Digital Dinosaurs is Ken?s first book, and it takes you through the basics of creating 3D representations of something which has fascinated and captivated for centuries ? dinosaurs. The book does this in a patient, kind, step by step manner, demonstrating techniques which really aid the beginning to intermediate modeller. Contains a free copy of Amapi version 1.5 on the CD in case the reader does not have a 3D modeller.

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Love at the Prompt
A somewhat dated article now, still relevant, if using outdated examples, of the power of alternate, digital lives over the physical one.


Industry News containing the Term Digital Tomosynthesis:

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The move to digital broadcasting in the UK, which is roughly six times more efficient than analogue, means that a large amount of spectrum will be released for completely new services once digital switchover is complete in 2012.

Sony expects to increase penetration of its 8.8 million pixel 4K SXRD Digital Cinema technology from the current 300 screens to 3,000 within the next two years.

While few film fans know (or care) what type of film projector ...

Many have begun trading in CD, DVD, and book collections for digital music, movies, and e-books. But this trend in digital technology is now influencing some to get rid of nearly all of their physical possessions - from photographs to furni...

Researchers at the European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL) have generated a digital zebrafish embryo - the first complete developmental blueprint of a vertebrate. With a newly developed microscope scientists could for the first time tr...

May 22 - May 24, 2005

Aviara, CA

Even more than when we first launched D in 2003, the technology revolution continues to transform the way we work and live.

For the third year, the D: All Things ...